I was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia, but immigrated to America after meeting my husband in Hawaii during his station with the United States Navy. We have had the opportunity to live in several states with the military and most currently live in North Carolina.

My husband, Josh and I have been married since 2008 and have four children: Matthew, Madden, Adeline and Caleb. When I first wrote this in 2018, we had just the two children and were in the process of becoming licensed foster parents. Since then we have adopted our son, Matthew and welcomed our newborn Caleb.

Although I don’t currently dance, I grew up with a love for hip-hop dance and enjoy seeing the same skills show up in my son when he break-dances. I love nature, but mostly enjoy looking at its beauty versus being physically active in it. You will likely find me either gardening or sitting in the rockers on the front porch taking in the view of the plants with coffee in hand. I love to decorate, organize, re-decorate and re-organize! Oh dear. If you catch me singing, then you have caught me in a time of joy while cooking, cleaning or working out. My most recent interest is trying to re-learn the piano!

Our home is filled with Christian music, loud children, books on my shelf waiting to be read, continual “to-do” lists, family dinners, forgiveness, muddy boots and princess dresses, a strong parental presence, silly dance moves, a husband-and-wife team – and most importantly lots of love!

I am passionate about encouraging women, marriage and my faith in a very real and loving God. I desire for all people to experience the same freedom I have in my life, by connecting their hearts with the one who made them!

I look forward to getting to know you, seeing testimonies of success take place in your futures and for restoration in marriages that need it.